NOS Travel Awards
For undergraduate and graduate students: The Division of Organic Chemistry will provide up to 35 travel awards ($400/award) to help cover registration and expenses for the 49th National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). Applicants must be engaged in at least one significant research project, and have the intent to enter graduate school, post-doctoral work, academics and/or industry in chemistry. Applicants must be members (or affiliate members) of the Division of Organic Chemistry (Join Now). Awardees are required to present a poster at the meeting.
For faculty at PUIs: The Division of Organic Chemistry will provide up to 12 Awards ($600/award) to faculty at undergraduate institutions to cover registration and a portion of expenses for the 49th National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). Applicants must be research-active faculty members at primarily undergraduate institutions. Applicants must be members (or affiliate members) of the Division of Organic Chemistry (Join Now). Awardees are required to present a poster at the meeting.
NOS Travel Awards Submittal Process:
You will need to submit your application as a single PDF file. Please use the following format to name the file:
For example: Smith_John_NOS_TravelAward.pdf
Your file should contain the following information (in order):
1) A brief biographical sketch with a description of relevant research experience;
2) A copy of the confirmation email indicating that you have successfully submitted a poster to the 49th NOS;
3) A letter of support from the applicant’s research advisor, which should include relevant GPA/grade information (only required for travel awards for students);
4) Your resume/CV.
To combine PDF files, you might consider using the free service: Soda PDF Merge No other documentation is required or allowed. Applicants must submit their own online application, and they must be members of the division.
The deadline for NOS Travel Award applications is May 20, 2025.
You can submit applications HERE.
For questions or problems during the online submission, please use the Contact Us Form.